Nature says
Pull on the brakes
The quilter is king
Let the music flow in
Seep the moments what it feels to be alive
Just alive with nothing else
Nothing to distract you, to fill in, to make,
This is what I need
A moment of peace when the world stops
Only in my dreams
There isn’t a menacing end
A place to dream like a child with no fear
In my dreams there’s peace
I pull on the brakes real hard
Come to a full stop
If Smokey’s going to be okay
Then I’ll be okay
She will spend her cat life in confinement
In between four walls can’t get out
Her whole life
We can do it for a while
We are part animal
She lays there contemplating
She sleeps she eats she plays
She gets bored she looks for ways to communicate
As she lays here listening to Louis Armstrong
Breathing letting go the stress
There is no stress it’s a lovely day
In her cat life
Those comforting voices
This thing maybe from the past
When you hear the buzz of the city life
This thing maybe from the past
Each on our own on this earth to survive
We are pulling hard on the brakes all together
In order to stop the monster
Let all your demons out the door