For the first time
I can be no different nor weird
Because everyone is doing it
Some don’t like it, but it’s not the point
I’m not particularly happy about it being that way, I’m not happy at all about it being what it is
But I can take a deep breath and not feel rushed by time
Yes I am, we can always be
Or let it go
Don’t expect anything more than time
And all the things you can do with time
Dive into the people who surround you if you have this chance
Dive into a project or learning something
Dive into trying to resolve or help out in this crisis
You have a chance to do things differently
I think everybody feels it
Who aren’t directly affected by that crisis
Because right now today, maybe not tomorrow since there is a lot of uncertainty in tomorrow,
I’ll eat, I’ll be alive, I’ll do most of the things I did 2 weeks ago. But differently.
If we can obscure the dark cloud
The weight of having to make ends meet
And dodging an invisible bullet,
It is very feasible
Stop the dark cloud from becoming real
Spend less, make sure we have enough savings, enough to eat, to make it through a certain amount of time.
We will resolve the problem somehow
Some relief will show up
We will make it to the next day
Maybe it will be really hard
Or not but not all is lost
Some continue to work, they take more risk if they are working at a grocery store than if they remain employed or are an exécutive at a large company working from home. Risks of contracting and spreading the virus, therefore maybe dying or just being under more financial strain.
I got locked in once for 4 or 5 days. At first I didn’t know how long it would be. They said it could be a week or more or a couple days. Once I heard a couple days, everything I did, my daily goal was to get out of there ASAP. So I did everything I could to do so. Whatever, whoever they wanted me to do or to be, make things happen. Goal was get me out of here.
And I finally did. But during my time there, I couldn’t help but notice that surrounded by people, even though they were all considered off by society, in which way or form, they needed to be locked down and helped, and so was I. With or without people I don’t think is the point.
Some people though to escape at the last minute. They now just have to quarantine for 14 days. Basically just doing the same somewhere else because quarantine is what we are doing. With a few breaches. Those breaches are the leaks. But there is no perfect control. Making the city less dense isn’t bad. So if you can leave without spreading the virus around you, do it. However if you don’t know then you are bringing it somewhere else. But you would still have infected people staying.
The time of being a parent when you used to hustle everyday at your job
It’s like everyone learns new ways of doing things