Day 3
People are starting to realize
More people are leaving
No one wants to catch this
If you can be in the wilderness
Or in less dense community
Will make it easier
To survive to live to go day by day
With a yard, space
When the hours blur
And this is your confined space
Assigned to you for the next 2 months
You won’t have the possibility to go beyond that
Or it will be difficult
So our choices are made
Stay put go to your family if you have or you can
Survive how you can
From dying from the virus
Statistically the easiest thing to do
Not catching it the chances are slim
So go where you won’t catch it
If you can
There you are that much more isolated
But what does isolation means
When you remove the hush
or the expectation to be close
Just slow down that time and enjoy every minute
We’re alive we cannot loose this
So last year I spent 6 months in isolation
Or 4 maybe depending how you define isolation
Hermit times
You have contact with only a couple people a week
You go to the grocery store to feed yourself
And you do a physical activity a couple times a week
The rest of the time you are in the same room or apartment or house.
You work from home
It was an enjoyable time.
So aside from the fear of not making ends meet
That you have to dodge an invisible bullet everyday
The anxiety created by the pandemic
If you are lucky enough to have enough savings to ride through it
The luxury to not need to interact with too many
Then all this is just time to pass.
But if you’ve been laid off
Have no savings
And to top it off living in a densely populated city in a crappy little room with no windows then things aren’t looking so good. Especially if you have no safety net. No family to go to. Brace for it. Get ready in survival mode. Do whatever gets you to the next day. Until the next.
Until you make it through.
We are stronger than we think
Right now we are all trying to do the online thing
If you can do it online do it, from yesterday
My niece was having a dance class online
I took my drum lesson online
If we continue to do whatever of those things we use to do, now online and still exchange products services businesses parts of them, most of them? Online then we are saving a part of the economy. And every little part of it counts. Support everyone and everything you can after providing for yourself
All you can do today is follow your guts feeling
And tomorrow is another day
I could think of all these scenarios
Where Facebook or other Silicon Valley giants implanted the virus or a government did, or it is just a test from one, a big propaganda, a médiatique ploy.
But bottom line it is a test of nature, one that reveals who we are, what defines us as human, as a society as people. A true test to see where we stand.
Can we pull together. Undoubtably. By helping every one and another. Because it is our nature.
Rambling I should make the effort of framing all this. But everything is going to be ok.